Dental Sedation in Hull | Sedation Dentistry for Treatments

Dental Sedation in Hull

What is Dental Sedation?

Dental sedation is used to help patients relax and remain calm during dental procedures. We know that some people are anxious about going to the dentist, so we offer this service so you can feel at ease during your treatment. There are various types of sedation available, which we’re more than happy to discuss with you.

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Different Types Of Dental Sedation

Minimal Sedation

This involves using a mild sedative, often taken orally or inhaled, to help the patient relax while remaining awake and alert.

Moderate Sedation (Conscious Sedation)

This level induces a deeper state of relaxation, and you might feel drowsy or even fall asleep during the procedure. However, you can be easily awakened and you’ll still be able to respond to prompts from the dentist.

Deep Sedation

In this state, patients are on the edge of consciousness and may not respond to prompts. You may not remember much of the procedure.

General Anaesthesia

These are the deepest levels of sedation used in dentistry, and at YDS is only administered by a trained professional.

Inhaled Sedation

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a popular choice for general anaesthesia. A mask is placed over your face and you inhale the harmless gas. It will make you feel very relaxed, helping to reduce anxiety. It’s perfect for those needing mild to moderate sedation.

Oral Sedation

You’ll take a pill around an hour before your treatment. This is good for minimal or moderate sedation – you’ll be drowsy, but still awake.

Intravenous IV Sedation

Intravenous IV Sedation is a popular choice because it’s fast acting. You receive a sedative through an IV straight into a vein. It’s an approach that helps the dentist to have more precise control over your level of unconsciousness, which makes it particularly good for more complex dental work.

Why Choose YDS for Sedation Dentistry?

At Yorkshire Dental Suite, we really care for our patients. We want you to have a pleasant experience when you come to see us. For that reason, we don’t just focus on delivering the best dental care we can; we also pay attention to the small details that can really make a big impact on your experience with us.

We know some people avoid going to the dentist due to understandable phobias – and that’s where sedation comes in. We want you to have the treatment you need, and sedation can help you overcome any nerves you may have. But we don’t stop there.

When you enter our state-of-the-art Leeds practice, you’ll be made to feel at home. We’ve even developed a great scent for our waiting area that is designed to relax you from the moment you arrive.

Dental Sedation FAQs

We’ve aimed to answer your most common questions about dental sedation at our Leeds clinic. If we’ve missed any, feel free to get in touch with us - we’d love to help.

I have dental anxiety; will sedation benefit me?

Yes. Sedation dentistry is designed for people who have a fear or anxiety about dental procedures. We want you to feel completely at ease when you visit your dentist. The last thing we want is for you to feel scared or uncomfortable.

Is IV sedation better than oral sedation?

In short, yes. IV sedation will sedate you to a deeper level. This is achieved in a quick, safe, and predictable way.

While oral sedation can be useful, sedative drugs administered in this way may take longer to become effective. This can mean that the right levels of sedation might not be achieved when the drug actually sets in.

Will I feel anything once I've been sedated?

Not at all. You may still be fully conscious depending on the level of sedation you’ve received, but you won’t feel any pain.

Before you start your dental treatment, your dentist will administer your sedation. This will be done in a professional manner.

Will I feel any pain during IV sedation?

Most of our clients feel no discomfort during their dental treatment and feel surprisingly good afterwards.

Is sedation dentistry safe for children?

Yes. We recognise that a young patient can feel as much, if not more, anxiety than an adult. However, it’s still important for your child to see their dentists and have any necessary dental work.

We’ll make sure that the level of sedation your child receives is completely safe.

Pricing That Will
Make You Smile

The price of any sedation will depend on which type you opt for but, rest assured, we promise clear, transparent pricing with no hidden extras. You’ll discuss your treatment plan during your consultation. We’re also happy to help you with our interest-free finance options so you can spread the cost rather than have to pay a lump sum.

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