What Is An Implant-Retained Denture? | Yorkshire Dental Suite

January 25th, 2023

What Is An Implant-Retained Denture?

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

An implant retained denture is a horseshoe denture that clicks on to underlying implants. This is the most economic of all treatment options to replace a full set of teeth by implants and is typically chosen as an option for economic reasons as it’s typically less than half the price of the teeth in a day treatment but still offers a great option to replace a full set of teeth as the patient is still able to eat foods such as steak however harder foods such as apples may be more of a challenge to eat and there is a risk the implant retained denture can dislodge.

Why Are Horseshoe Dentures Preferred To Den

The reason why a horseshoe denture can be used rather than a standard denture that is typically a lot bigger is because the horseshoe denture physically clips onto the implants supporting it and so this is where the support and retention comes from, not the soft tissues which is the case in a regular denture.

The number of implants used in an implant retained denture is typically anywhere between 2-4 and the process is similar to the implant retained bridge however there is usually an extra appointment to take accurate records of the patient’s bite and jaw shape to ensure the relationship between the horseshoe denture and the underlying retaining implants is a tight-fitting one.

Implant-retained dentures are also an excellent option for patients that need to replace a full set of teeth but don’t have sufficient bone to support the number of implants needed for an implant-retained bridge, and so this treatment option should always be taken seriously by both the dentist and patient.

To find out more about dental implants and general dentistry, get in touch with Yorkshire Dental Suite here.

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